Visit of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia Lampung Province to BPS La
July 26, 2023 | Other Activities
Bandar Lampung, 26 July 2023 - The
Head of the BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province, Over the Protection of Lubis
received a visit from the Head of the Regional Representative Council (DPD)
Office of Lampung Province, Gino which took place in the room of the Head of
the BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province.
This visit is a means of gathering
about the main tasks and functions of each agency as well as discussing various
issues related to the development and analysis of statistical data in Lampung
In this meeting, the Head of the
Lampung Provincial DPD Office was accompanied by the Head of the Protocol
Subdivision, M. Alfatah Akbar, the Head of the Syahril Subdivision and staff,
Henki Apriyadi.
Meanwhile, from BPS-Statistics of
Lampung Province, the Head of the General Section, Agung Erianto juliandono and
Associate Experts namely Dwiyana Suharyati, Sudiyanto, Febiyana Qomariah and
Drisnaf were present to provide an in-depth understanding of the latest
economic, social and demographic data.
One of the main topics discussed
at this meeting was the Human Development Index in Lampung Province. The DPD RI
Office guests are interested in understanding more deeply about the current
condition of Human Development in Lampung province, in line with their efforts
to fight for regional interests at the national level.
Apart from that, issues related to
people's welfare were also the main concern in this meeting. Recent data on
poverty rates, access to education, and employment are discussed in detail, to
identify priority areas that require more attention in policy making.
The meeting between the Lampung
Provincial DPD Office and BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province is expected to be
the first step in forming a stronger partnership between the legislature and
those responsible for collecting statistical data.
By sharing information and
understanding, it is hoped that innovative and efficient solutions will emerge
to support development and improve the quality of life of people in Lampung Province.
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