The Average Population of Lampung Province Has an Education up to Grade 8 Middle School
February 26, 2024 | Other Activities
Mean Years of Schooling (MYS) is defined as the total number of years spent by the population in formal education. The population considered in MYS calculations comprises individuals aged 25 years and above. The assumption is that by the age of 25, the educational process has concluded. The use of the age of 25 and above aligns with international standards used by UNDP. MYS can be used to assess the quality of education within a region. A higher MYS indicates the educational levels achieved or currently pursued by individuals. The higher the MYS value, the longer or higher the educational attainment.
The MYS of residents aged 25 years and above in Lampung Province in 2023 reached 8.29 years, equivalent to the eighth grade of junior high school. This represents a 1.34 percent increase from the 8.18 years recorded in 2022. Over the period from 2020 to 2023, the average MYS in Lampung Province increased by 0.99 percent per year.
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