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Share of Exports of Goods and Services in Lampung Province's GRDP is 51.79%

Share of Exports of Goods and Services in Lampung Province's GRDP is 51.79%

Share of Exports of Goods and Services in Lampung Province's GRDP is 51.79%

March 14, 2024 | Other Activities

The export component of GRDP Lampung Province describes various goods and services that are not consumed in the domestic economic area, but are traded outside the region. Both abroad and to other provinces.

In 2023, the export component is expected to contribute 51.79 percent to the GRDP of Lampung Province, which is slightly lower than the previous year's contribution of 52.88 percent. Most of Lampung's exports consist of goods, with the remaining exports being in the form of services.

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