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66.06% of the Population Do Not Get Outpatient Treatment Even though They Have Health Complaints

66.06% of the Population Do Not Get Outpatient Treatment Even though They Have Health Complaints

66.06% of the Population Do Not Get Outpatient Treatment Even though They Have Health Complaints

March 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Health complaints are the condition of a person experiencing health or mental disorders, either due to disorders/illnesses that are often experienced by the population such as fever, colds, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, or due to acute illnesses, chronic illnesses (even though they have not had any complaints in the last month), accidents, crimes, or other complaints.

In conditions like this, it turns out that not all residents in Lampung Province are required to undergo outpatient treatment.

Outpatient care itself can be interpreted as an effort for every household member who has health complaints to check themselves and receive treatment by visiting modern or traditional health service places without staying overnight, including bringing health workers to the household members' homes.

Based on the results of data collection from the March 2023 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), there are 66.06 percent of the population in Lampung Province who do not receive outpatient treatment even though they have health complaints. The majority of residents in Lampung Province generally self-medicate when they experience health complaints, namely 64.59 percent
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