Meeting on the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics with the Secretariat One Data Indonesia
April 25, 2024 | Other Activities
Lampung Province (BPS) together with the Lampung Province One Data Indonesia
(SDI) Forum held a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) on the Implementation of
Sectoral Statistics on Thursday, (25/4/2024). This coordination meeting was
held at the Lampung Province Bappeda Command Center, and was attended by
representatives of the Walidata of the Kominfotik Office, the One Data
Indonesia (SDI) Secretariat of Bappeda, and Data Producers from various related
agencies, such as the Health Office and the Manpower Office.
In his remarks,
the Head of the Strengthening Team for the Implementation of Sectoral
Statistics and Statistical Dissemination of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province,
Sudiyanto, said that this Coordination Meeting aims to strengthen synergy and
collaboration in the implementation of sectoral statistics in Lampung Province.
This is important to realize One Data Indonesia, which is an integrated,
accurate, up-to-date, accessible, and easy-to-use data management system, and
is integrated between agencies.
explained that quality statistical data is the main key in formulating
appropriate and effective policies. Therefore, it is important to improve
coordination and collaboration between BPS-Statistics and OPD (Regional
Apparatus Organization) in the implementation of sectoral statistics.
this coordination meeting, we hope that BPS-Statistics and OPD in Lampung
Province can synergize and collaborate to produce quality statistical data that
can be maximally utilized to support regional development," said
He added that the
coordination meeting was also a forum for BPS-Statistics and OPD to share
information and experiences in organizing sectoral statistics. This is expected
to increase the capacity and competence of data producers in OPD.
"We believe
that with strong synergy and collaboration, One Data Indonesia can be realized
in Lampung Province. This will ultimately support the success of regional
development and improve the welfare of the community," he said.
In addition, the
Head of Statistical Data Section of Lampung Province Bappeda, Deny Andry,
S.Si., M.M, who represented the Head of Information Center, Vika Vitri Indra B,
S.T., M.Sc, also said that this coordination meeting was expected to improve
the quality of data collected by OPD (Regional Apparatus Organization) in
synergy and collaboration, the data collected by OPD will be more complete,
accurate and of high quality. This will strengthen the information used in
regional development planning for Lampung to prosper," said Deny Andry.
He added that
quality data is key in formulating appropriate and effective policies.
Therefore, it is important to increase the capacity and competence of data
producers in OPD.
The coordination
meeting was filled with various presentations and discussions related to the
implementation of sectoral statistics and Satu Data Indonesia. The coordination
meeting participants also exchanged ideas and experiences in managing data in
each OPD.
Through this
coordination meeting, it is hoped that BPS-Statistics and OPDs in Lampung
Province can improve coordination and collaboration in the implementation of
sectoral statistics, so as to achieve common goals in supporting the
realization of One Data Indonesia and improving the quality of statistical data
in Lampung Province, in order to realize Lampung Berjaya.
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