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Coffee Morning Session: Reflection of Organizational Culture "From Survey to Solution"

Coffee Morning Session: Reflection of Organizational Culture "From Survey to Solution"

Coffee Morning Session: Reflection of Organizational Culture "From Survey to Solution"

October 7, 2024 | Other Activities

The BPS-Statistics Lampung Province together with the Heads and representatives of the Integrity Zone development team members from BPS-Statistics Regency/Municipality throughout Lampung Province attended a hybrid Sharing Knowledge Coffee Morning session, on Monday (7/10). The event, which took place in the BPS Hall of Lampung Province, was led by the Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, and opened by the Main Secretary of BPS-Statistics, Imam Machdi.

The theme raised in this knowledge sharing was "Reflection of BPS-Statistics Organizational Culture: From Survey to Solution". In his remarks, Atas Parlindungan Lubis emphasized the importance of internalizing the results of this event to all employees in their respective regencies/cities. He hopes that the Heads of BPS-Statistics Regency/Municipality can convey and apply the results of the discussion and findings from this event to all employees in their areas.

The resource person from ACT Consulting presented the results of the Organizational Culture Survey that had been conducted within BPS-Statistics. The results of this survey were then linked to the implementation of the core values ​​of ASN, BERAKHLAK (Service-Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative).

This event is expected to strengthen a positive and productive work culture in the BPS-Statistics environment, as well as encourage the implementation of BERAKHLAK values ​​in every aspect of work.
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