Holds the 8th series of Statistical Literacy Education Program, "Understanding the Meaning of Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP)"
November 28, 2024 | Other Activities
Head of the BPS-Statisitcs Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, officially opened the Statistical Literacy Education Program (Peduli Statistik) on Thursday, (28/11). This program aims to improve public understanding of statistics, especially data consumers.
In his speech, Atas Parlindungan Lubis emphasized the importance of improving statistical literacy in all levels of society. "Through Peduli Statistik, we hope that statistical literacy can increase, not only among BPS personnel, but also among data consumers. The hope is that the public, especially respondents involved in data collection, can provide accurate answers according to conditions in the field. That way, the indicators produced truly reflect the actual situation," he said.
Peduli Statistik this time enters its 8th series with the theme "Understanding the Meaning of Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP)." This indicator is released by BPS every month. NTP data is obtained through a collection process that is carried out routinely according to calculation needs.
Atas also advised all participants of Peduli Statistik, both BPS-Statistics personnel and users of macro and strategic indicators such as NTP, to understand the existing indicators. "I hope this program will be an additional reference for useful knowledge for all of you," he concluded.
BPS Lampung Province Middle Expert Statistician, Muhammad Ilham Salam, as a speaker in the 8th series of the Statistical Literacy Education Program (Peduli Statistik), began his presentation by reviewing the history of the emergence of the Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) indicator.
In his opening remarks, Muhammad Ilham Salam explained that the initial idea of measuring NTP was born in the United States in the early 1900s. "The use of NTP began to emerge in the early 1900s in the United States. The initial idea was so that agricultural products could be exchanged in a balanced or equivalent manner with goods produced by other economic activities," he explained.
He continued his explanation regarding NTP as an indicator that reflects the exchange rate of agricultural products against production costs and goods and services consumed by farmers. "Farmers' Exchange Rate is a comparison between the price received by farmers and the price paid by farmers. This indicator is calculated for several sub-sectors, such as food crops, horticulture, people's plantations, livestock, and fisheries," explained Ilham Salam.
Through this presentation, participants are expected to increasingly understand the importance of the NTP indicator in reading the economic conditions of farmers and how this impacts the formulation of data-based policies.
The Peduli Statistik program is also expected to continue to be an educational forum that supports public awareness of the importance of statistics in data-based decision making.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
(BPS-Statistics Lampung Province)
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No 54 Bandar Lampung
Telp (0721) 482909
Email : bps1800@bps.go.id