BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Wins the Title of "Informative" Public Body in the Peak Event of the 2024 Public Information Transparency Award
December 4, 2024 | Other Activities
The BPS-Statistics Lampung Province has again won the title of "Informative" Public Agency at the peak of the 2024 Public Information Transparency Award held by the Lampung Information Commission. This event took place at the Novotel Hotel Ballroom on Wednesday, (4/12).
This event is an important momentum to emphasize the urgency of information transparency as a foundation for inclusive development. This award is not only a recognition, but also an invitation to all agencies in Lampung to continue to improve and improve public information services.
Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Lampung Province, Fredy, in his remarks emphasized that this award is more than just recognition, but also an invitation to all agencies in Lampung to continue to improve and improve public information services.
The Chairperson of the Lampung Provincial Information Commission, Erizal, also said that the e-Monev carried out every year is in order to build a joint movement to collaborate in good and clean governance.
Likewise, the Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, emphasized that this success cannot be separated from the synergy of all team elements. "We understand that the public has the right to receive clear and accurate information. It is our duty and responsibility to continue to provide the best," he said optimistically.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
(BPS-Statistics Lampung Province)
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No 54 Bandar Lampung
Telp (0721) 482909
Email : bps1800@bps.go.id