Knowledge Sharing "SAPA Humas" with the Theme of Protocol Held by the Public Relations and Protocol Team of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province
December 20, 2024 | Other Activities
The Public Relations and Protocol Team of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province held a Sharing Knowledge entitled "SAPA HUMAS" which discussed Protocol for the internal Public Relations and Protocol team of BPS-Statistics throughout Lampung Province online on Friday, (20/12).
This activity was opened by the Associate Expert Statistician, Henny Surya Indraswari, who represented the Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis. In her remarks, Henny emphasized the importance of protocol in supporting the professionalism and image of the agency.
Public Relations of BPS-Statistics Lampung Tengah Regency, Alpfina Nurpiana as a resource person explained that protocol is a series of activities related to the rules in state events or official events, which include Venue Arrangements, Ceremonial Arrangements, and Respect Arrangements as a form of respect for someone according to their position and/or position in the state, government, or society.
Alpfina also highlighted several important points about the role of public relations and protocol in government agencies, including:
This activity is expected to improve the understanding and skills of the BPS-Statistics Public Relations and Protocol team throughout Lampung Province in carrying out protocol tasks better and more professionally.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
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