Lampung’s economy in the third quarter of 2023 based on Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices reached IDR116,247.75 billion
and at constant prices (2010) reached IDR69,560.88 billion.
economy in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the second quarter of
2023 grew by 0.74 percent. From the production side, the highest growth
occurred in Construction Activities at 7.37 percent. Meanwhile, on the
expenditure side, Exports of Goods & Services Component experienced
the highest growth at 6.99 percent.
Lampung’s economy grew by
3.93 percent in the third quarter of 2023, compared to the third quarter
in 2022 (y-on-y). From the production side, Transportation and Storage
experienced the highest growth at 13.46 percent. Meanwhile, on the
expenditure side, Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households (NPISHs)
Component experienced the highest growth at 8.53 percent.
economy cumulatively to third quarter of 2023 grew by 4.27 percent
(c-to-c). From the production side, Transportation and Storage
experience the highest growth at 19.19 percent. Meanwhile from the
expenditure side, the highest growth occurred in the Nonprofit
Institutions Serving Households (NPISHs) Component by 8.26 percent.
Tanya PST BPS Provinsi Lampung#DataMencerdaskanBangsa #TAnyaonLInetentangdaTA #TALITA
Tanya PST BPS Provinsi Lampung
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