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Product - Publication

Population of Lampung Province 1980 Complete Enumeration Results

Population of Lampung Province 1980 Complete Enumeration Results

Catalog Number : 2101003.18
Publication Number : -
Publishing Frequency : Every 10 Years
Release Date : May 29, 1981
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 21.48 MB


This publication is the first series of regional publications at the Provincial Level from the results of the 1980 Population Census, which were obtained based on the results of complete enumeration processing.

It is hoped that the next publication of the first series will include more detailed population age group data, in addition to containing processing data from Village Potential (PODES).

The data contained in this publication is the result of a gradual addition starting from the SP'80-LI list (Registration of buildings and households) and SP'80-LI (Complete Census Enumeration) per not all which are added up to be per enumeration area then per village then per sub-district and per district/municipality.
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