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Product - Publication

Lampung Province Regional Income 1983-1990

Lampung Province Regional Income 1983-1990

Catalog Number : 9302006.18
Publication Number : 18533.9202
ISSN/ISBN : 979-485-079-9
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : January 31, 1992
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 17.88 MB


As a continuation of the Lampung Regional Revenue preparation activities. The Statistics Office collaborates with the Lampung Province Level I Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA). This publication is the seventh publication after changing the base year from 1975 to 1983. In the 1983-1990 publication, both GRDP was presented on the basis of current and constant 1983 prices. Apart from that, to be able to see the development and share/role of each sector, it was presented in percentages. To make things easier for data users, the background to the use of the base year, concepts and definitions, and a description of GRDP according to business fields are also presented. This publication reviews the development of the Lampung economy in 1990, so that it will make it easier for users, including the bureaucracy, in formulating future policies. Like the previous publication, various data were corrected/revised, this was done with the aim of improving the calculations, because the latest data was obtained from each source or survey.
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