Lampung Province Regional Financial Statistics 1996-1997 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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Lampung Province Regional Financial Statistics 1996-1997

Catalog Number : 7203007.18
Publication Number : -
ISSN/ISBN : 0126-4698
Release Date : July 31, 1998
File Size : 18.67 MB


The publication of Lampung Province Regional Financial Statistics for the 1996/1997 Fiscal Year is a continuation of the previous year's publication which was periodically published by the Lampung Province Central Statistics Agency. The data contained in this publication is financial data for Autonomous Regional Governments Level I, Level II and Village Governments. The source of this financial statistical data is obtained from the Regional Government Level I. Level II and the Village Government. The quality of the data presented depends on the perfection and completeness of the data obtained from Level I, Level II Regional Governments and Village Governments. We hope that this publication can meet the needs of data consumers, especially regarding regional financial data for both Level I, Level II Regional Governments and Village Governments.
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