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Product - Publication

Gross Regional Domestic Products of Lampung Province By Expenditure 1996-2000

Gross Regional Domestic Products of Lampung Province By Expenditure 1996-2000

Catalog Number : 9302004.18
Publication Number : -
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 3, 2001
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 9.17 MB


Lampung Province Gross Regional Domestic Product according to Use 1996-2000 is a continuation of similar publications in previous yearsThis publication contains the Basic Table of GRDP according to Usage both on the basis of current prices and on the basis of constant 1993 prices, and derivative tables such as the Percentage Distribution Table, Development Index, Growth Rate and Implicit Price Index. To facilitate understanding of the data and information presented, a general explanation, scope, concepts and definitions, calculation methods, as well as a brief overview of Lampung Province's 1996-2000 GRDP are also included

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