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Product - Publication

Analysis of Regional Macroeconomic Indicators for Lampung Province 1999-2003

Analysis of Regional Macroeconomic Indicators for Lampung Province 1999-2003

Catalog Number : 9201005.18
Publication Number : 18550.0401
ISSN/ISBN : 979-485-432-8
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : November 30, 2004
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 19.37 MB


The publication of this Regional Macroeconomic Indicator Analysis is a form of accountability report on the cooperation between BPS Lampung Province and Bappeda Lampung Province in the activity of preparing analysis of macroeconomic indicators, in accordance with the cooperation agreement letter No.002/BPD-PDRB/IV.01/EK/04 dated 2 August 2004 This publication presents the results of a study of several macroeconomic indicators in 2003, as well as their developments during the 1999-2003 period. Macroeconomic indicators in 2003, as well as their development during the 1999-2003 period. These macroeconomic indicators are derived from GDP data from Provinces and Regencies/Cities throughout Lampung Province. The macro indicators in question include economic growth, economic structure, GRDP per capita, people's purchasing power, and disparities between regions, as well as Lampung's investment efficiency (ICOR). From the results of this study, useful information will be obtained, especially in supporting the development planning and evaluation process.
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