Production of secondary crops in Lampung Province in 2005 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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Production of secondary crops in Lampung Province in 2005

Catalog Number : 5203006.18
Publication Number : -
ISSN/ISBN : 1907-4603
Release Date : November 30, 2006
File Size : 9.84 MB


This 2005 publication of Secondary Crop Production in Lampung Province contains figures for 2001-2005 by Regency/City, and specifically for 2005 includes detailed data per subround. The information presented includes harvest area, productivity (average yield per hectare), production data as well as data on the area planted for secondary crops (corn, soybeans, cassava, sweet potatoes, peanuts and green beans). Data collection on agricultural statistics for secondary crops was carried out by the Lampung Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in collaboration with the Lampung Province Department of Food Crops and Horticulture. Harvested area data was obtained from the secondary crop area report (SP IB) carried out by the Head of the Subdistrict Service Branch (KCD), as well as productivity data (yield per hectare) from the results of the tile survey (list II) carried out by the KCD and the District Statistics Coordinator (KSK ).
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