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Product - Publication

Lampung Province Regional Macroeconomic Indicators 2008

Lampung Province Regional Macroeconomic Indicators 2008

Catalog Number : 9201017.18
Publication Number : -
ISSN/ISBN : 1907-4646
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 30, 2008
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 18.2 MB


This publication is a form of accountability report on cooperation in the 2008 Preparation of Regional Macroeconomic Indicators for Lampung Province between BPS Lampung Province and Bappeda Lampung Province, in accordance with SPK No.004/BPD-PDRB/IV.01/EK/2008 dated 28 July 2008. The indicators presented in this publication include the GRDP of Lampung Province in 2007, the GRDP of Lampung Province in the Sumatra Region and the GRDP of Regencies/Cities in Lampung Province in 2007, as well as their development from 2002 to 2007. As study material, other macroeconomic indicators are also presented, such as the Index. Consumer Prices (CPI) Inflation. Prices of Nine Basic Ingredients, Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP), Food Crop Production, Savings Credit Interest Rates, Hotel Room Occupancy Rates, Rupiah Exchange Rates against Foreign Currencies and the Foreign Trade Balance of Lampung Province from 2002 to 2007.
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