Lampung Province Human Development Index 2009 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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Lampung Province Human Development Index 2009

Catalog Number : 4102002.18
Publication Number : 18522.1002
ISSN/ISBN : 1907-4565
Release Date : September 30, 2010
File Size : 12.63 MB


The publication of the 2009 Lampung Province Human Development Index is substantially intended to describe the quality of human resources in Lampung Province through an index in composite form. Most of the data used is data calculated from the results of the 2009 National Socio-Economic Survey carried out by the Central Statistics Agency of Lampung Province.This publication contains, among other things, life expectancy rates, literacy rates, average years of schooling, and purchasing power parity which are components of the Human Development Index. It is hoped that the publication of the Human Development Index can be used as supporting information to plan development activity programs, especially the quality of human data sources in Lampung Province.
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