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Catalog Number : 9302005.18
Publication Number : 18550.1604
ISSN/ISBN : 1907-4638
Release Date : July 1, 2016
File Size :  MB


Books ¬žGross Regional Domestic Product of Lampung Province Year 2011-2015¬ž is a continuation of previous years publication prepared by BPS Lampung Province . However , in this publication the GDP is based on the System of National Accounts ( SNA ) 2008 and using the new base year , the base year2010. This publication provides an overview of economic developments Lampung descriptively . In this book also featured tables the years 2011-2015 the GDP at current prices and constant prices of 2010 in the form of nominal and percentage .
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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