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Catalog Number : 9201015.18
Publication Number : 18550.1605
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-7848-67-2
Release Date : August 24, 2016
File Size :  MB


Books Socioeconomic Development of Macro Indicators Lampung second quarter of 2016 is a periodical publication published by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Lampung Province are presented on a quarterly basis. Data and information contained up to date with the latest data compiled and released BPS Lampung Province, which is the result of direct data collection is done regularly. This book is intended to furnish materials policy formulation and evaluation of the progress made in social and in the economic field. Books Developments Macro Indicators Socioeconomic Lampung second quarter of 2016 include among others: the development of economic growth in Lampung (second quarter 2016), inflation of Bandar Lampung second quarter of 2016, the exchange rate farmer the second quarter of 2016, the development of export-import quarter II-2016, the development tendency index of consumer second quarter of 2016, crop production (constant number 2015), population growth (until 2016), the poverty data (March 2016), employment (till February 2016), as well as the Human development Index 2015 ,
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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