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Product - Publication

Welfare Indicators of Lampung Province 2020

Welfare Indicators of Lampung Province 2020

Catalog Number : 4102004.18
Publication Number : 18550.2012
ISSN/ISBN : 1907-4573
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 30, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 4.49 MB


The publication of Welfare Indicators of Lampung Province 2020 is a continuation of previous publication. The main data used in this publication is the results of the National Socioeconomic Survey 2017-2020. This publication uses the same two languages as in previous years.
The purpose of this publication is not only to convey statistical information but also to produce an analysis of the more actual indicators of the welfare of the people of Lampung Province, enabling local governments and communities to be more up to date in looking at the welfare of the people of Lampung Province.
The analysis in Lampung Province's People's Welfare Indicator 2020 will provide a clear picture of the various public welfare indicators produced that include social, economic, environmental, and other dimensions. This analysis is also expected to detect the causes of social symptoms as described in various theories so that policymakers have a basic foothold in creating policy programs.
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