State of the Province of Lampung Labor Force 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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State of the Province of Lampung Labor Force 2020

Catalog Number : 2303004.18
Publication Number : 18000.2114
Release Date : June 17, 2021
File Size : 8.24 MB


This publication contains tables describing the state of the labor force in Lampung Province in Semester II 2020. The data presented is obtained from the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) which was carried out throughout the Lampung Province in August 2020. The number of sample targets for Sakernas August 2020 of 9,320 households and is intended to produce estimated figures up to the district/city level. This publication uses the weighted results of the 2015 Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS) population projections.
The types of tables presented in this publication are broken down by gender (male and female) and area of ​​residence (urban and rural), and include residents aged 15 years and over. In addition, this publication also provides a table on the development of employment data from 2018-2020 and an executive summary of the state of the workforce in Lampung Province.
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