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Product - Publication

Lampung Province Labor Market Indicators 2020

Lampung Province Labor Market Indicators 2020

Catalog Number : 2302004.18
Publication Number : 18000.2115
ISSN/ISBN : 2656-4513
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : June 18, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.95 MB


The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) has been conducted by BPS on a semi-annual basis (February and August) since 2015. This survey covers all regions of Indonesia and the results are expected to capture the dynamics of employment on an ongoing basis. The Sakernas conducted in February was designed to produce estimates of employment indicators at the provincial level, while the August Sakernas were able to present indicator estimates down to the district/city level. The sample for the August Sakernas was 932 census blocks, where in 1 census block there were about 10 households.
Since Sakernas August 2020, the calculation of the labor indicator uses a weight from the results of the population projection of the Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS 2015). To maintain comparability, the presentation of the data series (August 2019, February 2020 and August 2020) uses a weighting of the population projections resulting from the 2015 SUPAS.
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