Thematic Map of Lampung Province Peoples Welfare Indicators 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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Thematic Map of Lampung Province Peoples Welfare Indicators 2021

Catalog Number : 1304057.18
Publication Number : 18000.2202
Release Date : May 2, 2022
File Size : 26 MB


This publication presents a variety of selected indicators of people's welfare ranging from geographical aspects, poverty, employment, population, education, health, food, fertility and family planning, housing, information technology and others. The themes presented are taken from selected people's welfare variables and visualized with gradations (colors) based on the variable values ​​of each region. Each map is also presented with a bar graph showing the comparison of the values ​​of each region to make it easier for data users to compare the values ​​of variables between regions.
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