Statistics of Migration Lampung Result of Long Form Population Census 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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Statistics of Migration Lampung Result of Long Form Population Census 2020

Catalog Number : 2102049.18
Publication Number : 18000.2323
Release Date : July 14, 2023
File Size : 11.76 MB


Migration or permanent movement is one component of population growth in addition to fertility and mortality. However, compared with the data of fertility and mortality, data on migration remains limited and insufficiently available. This is due to the absence of specific surveys for migration. Migration questions are asked in population censuses, intercensal population surveys, and in recent years, they have been included in national socio-economic surveys. Migration events are highly uncommon demographic occurrences, as not everyone undergoes them. As a result, migration data obtained from surveys is generally of poorer quality due to small sample sizes. Meanwhile, migration data derived from administrative records still far from perfection
In order to meet the need for more comprehensive migration data, the Migration Statistics Publication derived from 2020 Population Sencus results was prepared. Publication is presented by regency and municipality which include the types of lifetime, and recent migration. The provincial publication presented data migration on district movement. This publication presents the magnitude and internal migration flow. It also presents the characteristics of migrants.
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