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Product - Statistical Data

Economic accounts

Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) According to Regency/City in Lampung Province, 2018–2022


Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) According to Regency/City in Lampung Province, 2018–2022

Last Update : October 31, 2023

Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2018-2022
Kabupaten/Kota 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022**
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1. Lampung Barat 7.64 7.60 -30.84 14.78 9.34
2. Tanggamus 5.47 5.46 -13.88 11.11 6.27
3. Lampung Selatan 7.42 7.58 -20.15 13.74 7.53
4. Lampung Timur 8.64 8.53 -13.16 131.80 16.01
5. Lampung Tengah 6.90 6.88 -33.03 12.30 7.59
6. Lampung Utara 6.30 6.24 -20.74 11.28 10.00
7. Way Kanan 6.80 6.83 -27.98 11.78 7.79
8. Tulang Bawang 6.74 6.78 -25.42 12.55 9.19
9. Pesawaran 6.40 6.51 -23.40 14.60 6.70
10. Pringsewu 6.60 6.56 -24.65 10.89 7.26
11. Mesuji 6.41 6.47 -22.91 11.59 9.39
12. Tulang Bawang Barat 6.53 6.42 -23.59 11.15 7.16
13. Pesisir Barat 4.38 4.51 -18.36 11.07 8.13
71. Bandar Lampung 5.70 5.65 -16.84 11.00 6.86
72. Metro 5.79 6.01 -17.59 11.82 7.91
Lampung 6.86 6.78 -19.41 12.32 7.94
Sumber : BPS, diolah dari data PDRB Pengeluaran
Catatan : *Angka Sementara
** Angka Sangat Sementara
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