Trainer of Regsosek Training Opened - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Province

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Trainer of Regsosek Training Opened

Trainer of Regsosek Training Opened

September 19, 2022 | BPS Activities

Monday (19/9/2022), Chief of BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province, Endang Retno Sri Subiyandani (Yani), opened the first batch of Regional Instructor (Inda) training for the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) candidate for the first batch which was held at the Emersia Hotel, Bandar Lampung.

In his speech, Yani explained that Regsosek is a different activity compared to other BPS activities. "Give all your heart and mind to record all residents in Lampung Province. Not only about coverage, but content must also be considered. Understand each stage, goals and accountability. Give strategies at each stage, simple innovations such as excel if you are able to perfect, then do it." he added.

Participants of the 2022 Inda Regsosek candidate training were attended by BPS employees throughout Lampung, plus representatives from the Information and Statistics Communication Service, Development Planning Agency, Regional Research and Development, Social Service and the Lampung Province Community and Village Empowerment Agency. The second batch of training will be held on 22-23 September 2022.
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