August 2, 2023 | BPS Activities
Bandar Lampung, 2 August 2023 - In an effort to collect more
accurate and in-depth data related to agriculture in the Lampung region, the
2023 Agricultural Census (ST) Post Enumeration Survey (PES) Training was
officially opened by the Head of BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province, Atas
Parlindungan Lubis at the Emersia Hotel, Bandar Lampung.
This PES ST2023 training is an important part of the steps
taken to ensure the quality of ST2023. PES is a tool to measure the extent of
non-sampling errors in censuses such as coverage errors and content errors.
In his remarks, the Head of BPS Lampung Province, Atas
Parlindungan Lubis, expressed the importance of accurate data in planning
agricultural policies and regional economic development.
"To the participants, I emphasize to follow all
training schedules with discipline and make sure you understand the
methodology, the concept correctly, and the use of the CAPI application before
going to the field. PES officers are selected officers, ST2023 officers who are
considered to have good performance, therefore, please keep our trust.”, Atas said.
"Specifically also for innas to teach more in two
directions (no monologue), learn in a sergeant style (serious but relaxed), and
practice using CAPI and discussions more." he added.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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