February 20, 2024 | Other Activities
The Lampung One Data Forum held another team consolidation to strengthen preparations for the Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) in 2024. The event, which was initiated by Walidata through the Division of Coding and Statistics of KOMINFOTIK, took place in the Kominfotik command center room, Tuesday (20/2/2024).
The meeting was chaired by the Head of Coding and Statistics of KOMINFOTIK, Ernita and the Head of the Sectoral Statistics Team of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Sudiyanto.
Also present at this meeting were the supervisory team from BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, the Bappeda Secretariat Team, the Kominfotik Walidata, as well as representatives from the Health Office and the Manpower Office which are the focus of this year's evaluation.
Evaluation of the implementation of sectoral statistics in 2023 related to policy documents is the main agenda. The team discussed the obstacles faced in the previous year and formulated the best solution for the implementation of sectoral statistics in Lampung Province in the future.
The purpose of this consolidation is to ensure the team's readiness to face EPSS 2024, as well as to improve the quality of statistical data available. It is expected that more complete, accurate, and up-to-date statistical data can become a strong foundation in policy formulation and evaluation of higher quality regional development.
Ernita, Head of Standardization and Statistics of KOMINFOTIK, emphasized the importance of collaboration between teams in realizing a reliable, effective, and efficient National Statistics System.
"Statistical data is an important instrument in regional development. With quality data, we can make targeted policies and evaluate development more effectively," he said.
Sudiyanto, the Head of the Sectoral Statistics Team of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, appreciated the commitment of the One Data Lampung Forum in improving the quality of statistics in Lampung.
"EPSS 2024 is an important momentum to measure the progress of organizing sectoral statistics in Lampung. We are optimistic that with solid cooperation, we can achieve optimal results," he said.
The consolidation of the Lampung One Data Forum team is an important first step in preparing for EPSS 2024. It is hoped that with strong synergy and commitment, the implementation of sectoral statistics in Lampung will improve and produce quality statistical data to support more advanced regional development.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
(BPS-Statistics Lampung Province)
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No 54 Bandar Lampung
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Email : bps1800@bps.go.id