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Product - News

PMDN Lampung Province in 2023 is 7,625,809 Million Rupiah

PMDN Lampung Province in 2023 is 7,625,809 Million Rupiah

PMDN Lampung Province in 2023 is 7,625,809 Million Rupiah

May 7, 2024 | Other Activities

Based on Law no. 5 of 2007 concerning Capital Investment, Domestic Capital Investment (PMDN) is an investment activity to conduct business in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia carried out by domestic investors using domestic capital. The PMDN investment value in Lampung Province in 2023 is 7,625,809 million rupiah. Over the last five years, the largest PMDN investment in Lampung Province occurred in 2021 with a value of 10,513,232 million rupiah.

Viewed by business field, PDMN investment in the food industry in Lampung Province has the largest role compared to other business field categories. PDMN investment in this category has a distribution of 34.72% or 2,647,464 million rupiah. The other two categories of business fields that have the largest distribution are the Transportation and Telecommunications category, and the Services category. Each has a distribution percentage of 20.84% and 14.78%. The business sector category that has the lowest PMDN investment is the construction category with a distribution of 3.22% or 277,294 million rupiah.
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