BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province Receives a Visit from the Bandar Lampung University SDGs Center Team
February 13, 2025 | Other Activities
BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province received a visit from the Bandar Lampung University (UBL) SDGs Center Team on Thursday (13/2). This hearing is part of the SDGs SSTC Phase II Project Implementation Roadshow by Bandar Lampung University "Multi-Stakeholder Partnership for SDGs 11 Innovation in Lampung Province (KEM11LAU).
Acting Head of BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province , Agung Erianto Juliandono along with the ranks of Middle Expert Statisticians welcomed the arrival of the UBL SDGs Center team.
One of the main focuses of this meeting is how to create sustainable cities and settlements through a participatory approach. This approach prioritizes the active involvement of various stakeholders, including the community, in every stage of planning and implementing the SDGs program, so that the results achieved can be more effective and in line with local needs.
"We hope this visit can strengthen collaboration to achieve sustainable development goals in Lampung Province," said Acting Head of BPS Lampung Province, Agung Erianto Juliandono.
The Head of UBL's SDGs Center, Fritz Akhmad Nuzir, also conveyed a similar sentiment, "To create sustainable cities and settlements, it is important to involve various stakeholders through a participatory approach. Actively involving the community not only helps create more effective solutions but also builds a sense of shared ownership and responsibility.”
It is hoped that this meeting can increase collaboration between BPS and Bandar Lampung University in supporting the achievement of SDGs in Lampung Province, as well as encouraging concrete steps in realizing sustainable development goals.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
(BPS-Statistics Lampung Province)
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No 54 Bandar Lampung
Telp (0721) 482909
Email : bps1800@bps.go.id