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Product - Publication

Lampung Province Regional Income 1986-1991

Lampung Province Regional Income 1986-1991

Catalog Number : 9302006.18
Publication Number : 18533.9301
ISSN/ISBN : 979-485-105-1
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : January 29, 1993
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 16.08 MB


The preparation of the Lampung Province Regional Income Publication is a routine collaboration every year carried out by the Statistics Office and the Level I Regional Planning and Development Agency (BAPPEDA). This publication is the eighth publication which has been improved every year, especially in quality and brief analysis. Lampung's very open economy requires more comprehensive data to be able to present more perfect GRDP indicators. Integral coordination between related agencies is very necessary in the future so that GRDP can depict Lampung's potential in a more reliable manner.
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