BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Collaborates with Daarut Tauhid about Iftar for 1000 Santri
April 5, 2024 | Other Activities
The spirit of sharing in the month of Ramadan is
increasingly felt with the contribution of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province to
support one of the Daarut Tauhid Lampung programs. On Friday (5/4/2024), BPS
Lampung Province distributed aid for breaking the fast menu for 1000 students
through the Friday Sharing program.
The symbolic handover of aid was carried out by the BPS-Statistics
Lampung Province Associate Expert Statistician, Henny Surya Indraswari, to Joni
Susanto, Assatidz from Daarut Tauhid, at the BPS Lampung Province office.
The Sharing Friday program is a form of BPS-Statistics'
concern for the community, especially the students who are studying at Islamic
boarding schools.
"We want to share happiness with the community in this
holy month of Ramadan. Hopefully this assistance can be useful for the students
and lighten their burden a little," said Henny.
Joni Susanto, representing Daarut Tauhid Lampung, welcomed
this program and expressed his thanks to BPS Lampung Province.
"We are very grateful to BPS-Statistics Lampung
Province for their assistance. This will be very beneficial for the students,
especially in meeting the need for breaking the fast during the month of
Ramadan," said Joni.
It is hoped that collaboration and sharing programs like
this can increase the spirit of togetherness and concern for others, especially
in the month of Ramadan which is full of blessings.
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Email : bps1800@bps.go.id