January 26, 2024 | Other Activities
Simpang Pematang, 26 January 2024 - In an effort to increase
the accuracy and credibility of inflation data, the BPS-Statistics Lampung
Province Team provides technical and public relations support to the BPS-Statistics
Lampung Timur Regency and BPS-Statistics Mesuji Regency. Assistance was carried
out at different times, namely January 18 2024 at BPS-Statistics Lampung Timur Regency
and January, 26 2024 at BPS-Statistics Mesuji Regency.
The team consisted of Muhammad Ilham Salam, Intermediate
Statistician and Bayu Juniardi, Junior Statistician from the Distribution Team,
as well as Aan Andriatno, First Public Relations Officer from the BPS-Statistics
Lampung Province Public Relations Team. This assistance aims to ensure that
inflation calculations at the district level are carried out to a high standard
and are consistent with the methods established by BPS-Statistics. For
information, Lampung Timur and Mesuji Regencies were chosen as the focus for
calculating inflation because they are considered to have the largest ratio of
rural areas in Lampung Province.
BPS-Statistics Lampung Timur Regency welcomes assistance and
assistance from the BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Team. Head of BPS-Statistics
Lampung Timur Regency, Maryono, stated, "We are very grateful for the
support of the BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Team. This is a positive step to
ensure that the data we release later truly reflects the condition of price
developments at the district level."
On a different occasion, the Head of BPS-Statistics Mesuji
Regency, Zulkifli said, "It is an honor that Mesuji is one of the
regencies with inflation calculations, as well as a challenge and opportunity
to oversee the calculation and delivery of the inflation release later. In the
future we hope to have synergy and collaboration with the Government "The
region is getting stronger in development planning in Mesuji Regency"
This mentoring process includes training related to
inflation calculation methodology, data collection and processing, and
verification of calculation results. The BPS-Statistics Lampung Province team
also provided direction regarding the release of Official Statistical News and
how to effectively communicate the results to the public and related stack
The Inflation Release which will be carried out by BPS-Statistics
Lampung Timur Regency and BPS-Statistics Mesuji Regency is expected to provide
a more comprehensive picture of the dynamics of consumer prices in rural areas,
enabling the government and economic actors to make more appropriate and
sustainable decisions.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
(BPS-Statistics Lampung Province)
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No 54 Bandar Lampung
Telp (0721) 482909
Email : bps1800@bps.go.id