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Get to Know Inflation Closer with BPS-Statistics Lampung Province

Get to Know Inflation Closer with BPS-Statistics Lampung Province

Get to Know Inflation Closer with BPS-Statistics Lampung Province

September 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello Data Friends, have you ever wondered why the prices of everyday goods can go up and down? The answer may be related to inflation, Data Friends. This concept, which may sound unfamiliar to some people, turns out to be very close to our lives.

In a dialog with RRI Pro 4 Bandar Lampung, the Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, explained that Inflation is the general price increase of household consumption goods and services as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

“Inflation is the occurrence of relative differences in prices in a certain period, usually calculated in inter-month or annual periods, so we often hear inflation figures such as month to month inflation or which means relative comparison of prices this month with the previous month, in addition to monthly, there is also year on year inflation which means relative comparison of prices this year with the previous year,” explained Atas through a dialog with Nona Ria Kharisma on RRI Pro 4 Bandar Lampung, which was broadcast this morning (12/9).

He continued, “Inflation occurs because the relative price in the current month and year is relatively higher than the previous month or year, where the relative price itself is calculated in the form of the Consumer Price Index (CPI),” he explained.

Muhammad Ilham Salam, Associate Expert Statistician of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province also added, “Many factors can cause inflation, ranging from seasonal factors such as religious holidays, harvest season, distribution factors, to changes in the rupiah exchange rate, interest rates and others,” he said.

BPS-Statistics, as an institution tasked with collecting statistical data, has a crucial role in measuring the inflation rate. The data obtained from various surveys is then used to formulate appropriate economic policies.

By understanding inflation, the public is expected to take anticipatory steps so as not to be overly affected by price increases. For example, by managing expenses and finding alternative products that are more affordable.
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