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Product - News

Number of Households in Lampung Province that Have Health Insurance Reaches 68%

Number of Households in Lampung Province that Have Health Insurance Reaches 68%

Number of Households in Lampung Province that Have Health Insurance Reaches 68%

April 16, 2024 | Other Activities

Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance states that health insurance is a guarantee in the form of health protection so that participants receive health care benefits and protection in meeting basic health needs. The implementation of National Health Insurance (JKN) by the government is one of the efforts to include universal health coverage (UHC). JKN also has the aim of providing protection for the level of welfare of the community from shocks that may be caused by high and sudden health costs.

Based on the results of data collection from the March 2023 Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), in Lampung Province currently the number of households with health insurance has reached 68 percent. Of this number, the majority are BPJS Health participants (59.31 percent). Apart from that, the results showed that 10.84 percent of households that had health insurance were Jamkesda participants. There are 0.25 percent of households that have health insurance in the form of private insurance and there are around 1.55 percent of households that have health insurance from the company/office where they work in the form of reimbursement for medical expenses.
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