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Lampung Province experienced deflation of 0.11 percent in June 2024.

Lampung Province experienced deflation of 0.11 percent in June 2024.

Lampung Province experienced deflation of 0.11 percent in June 2024.

July 3, 2024 | Other Activities

The month-on-month inflation rate for June 2024 in Lampung Province recorded deflation of 0.11 percent. This indicates a general decrease in prices by 0.11 percent compared to May 2024.

The commodities that significantly contributed to inflation in June 2024 include: red chili, ground coffee, machine-made kretek cigarettes (SKM), oranges, bird's eye chili, rice, jewelry gold, squid, cucumbers, and air transportation. Meanwhile, commodities that contributed significantly to deflation include: shallots, tomatoes, broiler chicken, tilapia fish, garlic, granulated sugar, and yardlong beans.

In the food, beverage, and tobacco group, the largest contribution to month-on-month deflation in June 2024 was 0.15 percent. The largest contribution to inflation occurred in the food and beverage service/restaurants group, contributing 0.02 percent.

Out of the 444 commodities observed, the top 5 commodities that contributed most significantly to month-on-month deflation were: shallots at 0.39 percent, tomatoes at 0.04 percent, broiler chicken, and tilapia fish each at 0.03 percent, and garlic at 0.02 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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