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87.70% of Households Occupy Houses with Building Durability That Meets the Requirements

87.70% of Households Occupy Houses with Building Durability That Meets the Requirements

87.70% of Households Occupy Houses with Building Durability That Meets the Requirements

July 15, 2024 | Other Activities

The durable housing component in the SDGs metadata indicator 11.1.1 includes the criteria for roof, wall and floor structures that use permanent building materials. The durability of a building as one of the components of a habitable house is determined by the widest type of roof, wall and floor materials.

If a household lives in a house that does not meet the criteria for the type of building materials in one of the roof, wall or floor elements, then that household is not included in the group of households that live in houses with building durability. These three elements must be fulfilled so that a house is said to have building resistance that meets the requirements.

In Lampung Province, in 2023, 87.70% of the percentage of households occupying houses with building durability (roof, walls, floors) meets the requirements. If we observe the trend over the last three years, it has continued to increase
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