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5 out of 10 Elderly in Lampung Province Will Be Head of Family in 2023

5 out of 10 Elderly in Lampung Province Will Be Head of Family in 2023

5 out of 10 Elderly in Lampung Province Will Be Head of Family in 2023

August 13, 2024 | Other Activities

In 2023, around 5 out of 10 elderly people in Lampung Province will be heads of households (56.70%)! This statistic illustrates the important role of the elderly in caring for and leading their families.

The elderly population is the population aged 60 years and over, consisting of young elderly (aged 60-69 years), middle elderly (aged 70-79 years), and old elderly (aged 80 years and over)
This data shows that the percentage of elderly people who are heads of households decreased slightly from 2021 to 2022, but increased slightly again in 2023. Despite the fluctuations, overall, around half of the elderly in Lampung Province continue to play an important role as heads of households.

The decrease from 2021 to 2022 may reflect a variety of factors, such as changes in demographics, health, and family dynamics. The small increase in 2023 suggests that the elderly continue to play a significant role in the family structure, perhaps due to their valuable experience and wisdom in managing the household.

Overall, this trend illustrates the resilience and importance of the role of the elderly in Lampung society. The elderly are not only an important part of the family, but also continue to take on the responsibility of being the leader of the household, affirming their position as the main pillar in family life.
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