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BPS-Statistics Lampung Province again holds Statistical Literacy Education Program (Peduli Statistik)

BPS-Statistics Lampung Province again holds Statistical Literacy Education Program (Peduli Statistik)

BPS-Statistics Lampung Province again holds Statistical Literacy Education Program (Peduli Statistik)

October 31, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS-Statistics Lampung Province is again holding a Statistical Literacy Education Program or abbreviated as Peduli Statistik. This October, Peduli Statistik has entered its 7th series, with the theme "Revealing Lampung's Human Development Index: How the Calculation Process and Its Impact on Public Policy". This event was presented by an Associate Statistician, Tribuana Kartikasari, as a resource person.

In his remarks, the Head of BPS-StatisticsLampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, said that Peduli Statistik this time was a valuable opportunity for all participants to learn together about the Human Development Index (HDI). "Through this program, we can better understand the HDI calculation process and how the results can influence public policy in Lampung," he said.

Tribuana Kartikasari in delivering her material explained, "The main challenge of development is improving the quality of life," based on the basic idea of ​​the World Bank Report, 1991. She emphasized that there are many basic dimensions in human development, but to represent human development, three basic dimensions are taken, namely: longevity and healthy living, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. "If these three basic dimensions are not possessed, then the other basic dimensions of human development will be difficult to access," explained Tribuana.

The benefits of the HDI itself can be detailed in several ways, including:

  1. HDI is an indicator of measuring the success of human quality of life development.
  2. HDI is used as one of the development target indicators in discussing the macro assumptions of the government and the DPR.
  3. HDI is one of the allocators in determining the General Allocation Fund (DAU).
  4. HDI components (HLS, RLS, and Expenditure) are used in calculating the Regional Incentive Fund (DID).

The Peduli Statistik program this time is expected to provide insight and knowledge that can be applied in various professional and academic contexts. BPS-Statistics Lampung Province continues to be committed to increasing statistical literacy among the community through educational programs like this.

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