Through the Statistics Corner Program, BPS-Statistics Lampung Province and IIB Darmajaya Synergize Theory and Practice
November 28, 2024 | Other Activities
As a follow-up to the Statistics Corner Program, BPS-Satistics Lampung Province is committed to supporting the improvement of statistical literacy through participation in the "Teaching Practitioner" program. This program is the result of collaboration between BPS-Statistics Lampung Province and the Darmajaya Institute of Informatics and Business (IIB).
The Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, hopes that this activity will be one of the strategic steps in expanding statistical literacy in all levels of society.
Two lecturers from BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Arief Rahmanda Al-Mursyid, S.ST., and Mukhlis, S.ST., were present as speakers to provide Statistics lecture materials to students of the IIB Darmajaya Management Study Program on Thursday (11/28).
The lecture began with an explanation of the basics of Statistics and Statistics by Mukhlis. He explained that Statistics is numerical data or information that is collected and analyzed for a specific purpose. Statistics can also be understood as the result of data processing in the form of numbers, graphs, tables, or other information. "Statistics is not just numbers, but how we process and interpret the information available," explained Mukhlis. Meanwhile, Statistics is defined as a science that studies methods of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data.
Furthermore, Arief Rahmanda Al-Mursyid emphasized the importance of data in statistical analysis. "Good data must meet five criteria, namely: objective, relevant, up-to-date, representative, and reliable. With data that meets the criteria, student analysis will produce more accurate decisions and have a positive impact," he said.
The presence of two lecturers from BPS-Statistics Lampung Province was enthusiastically welcomed by students. Yolanda Restu Lestari, a 3rd semester student, said that the material presented was very helpful in broadening her insight into Statistics. "The approach used by practitioners is very applicable, so I understand better how Statistics is applied in the real world," she said.
The Chancellor of IIB Darmajaya, RZ. Abdul Aziz, ST., MT., Ph.D., expressed his appreciation for this collaboration. "This collaboration reflects the real synergy between academics and practitioners in creating graduates who are not only competent in theory, but also relevant in the world of work," he said.
Through this collaboration, it is hoped that statistical literacy can be further expanded to various levels of society. The presence of the Statistics Corner that supports the Teaching Practitioner Program is also expected to be able to produce superior human resources (HR) in the future. The collaboration between BPS-Statistics Lampung Province and IIB Darmajaya is expected to be an inspiration for students to further explore data literacy, statistical analysis, and its applications in various sectors. This step is an important provision in facing the challenges of the increasingly complex digital era.
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