Students from the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program, Malahayati University visited BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province
February 7, 2025 | Other Activities
BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province received a visit from students of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Malahayati University on Friday (7/2).
Acting Head of BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province, Agung Erianto Juliandono, represented by Associate Expert Statistics, Henny Surya Indraswari, gave a speech and officially opened the event. In his remarks, Henny emphasized the importance of collaboration between educational institutions and BPS in improving the quality of data and statistical services in Lampung Province.
Secretary of the Study Program, Nova Muhani, also conveyed the aims and objectives of the student visit that day, namely to deepen understanding of the function and role of BPS in providing accurate statistical data.
The event continued with the presentation of material by Associate Expert Statistics K. Nurika Damayanti. He explained the BPS Statistical Service Standards for Lampung Province and highlighted BPS's profile and the importance of accuracy and timeliness in delivering statistical data.
This visit allowed students to understand more deeply the function and role of BPS in providing accurate and relevant statistical data for various sectors, including public health. Students were also invited to discuss challenges and opportunities in collecting and analyzing statistical data.
With this activity, it is hoped that collaboration between BPS Lampung Province and Malahayati University can continue to develop and be able to make a positive contribution to the development of public health in Lampung Province.
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Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Lampung
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