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FGD on Compiling Statistical Metadata in 2024

FGD on Compiling Statistical Metadata in 2024

FGD on Compiling Statistical Metadata in 2024

September 17, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, in an effort to realize One Data Indonesia (SDI) as stated in Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019, held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on Compiling Statistical Metadata. The activity, which took place at the Horison Lampung Hotel, was attended by data producers from agencies and representatives of ministries/institutions within Lampung Province.

Metadata, as information about the data itself, has a crucial role in ensuring data quality. In this FGD, participants intensively discussed the importance of compiling accurate and complete metadata for each statistical data produced. This is in line with the SDI principle which emphasizes that the data produced must have metadata so that it is clear and can be understood by data consumers.

Through this FGD, the Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, also hopes that all data producers in Lampung Province can understand the concept of metadata and apply it in compiling statistical data that will be produced in their OPDs. Thus, the statistical data produced will be of higher quality, standardized, and can be integrated into the One Data Indonesia portal.

On this occasion, Atas Parlindungan Lubis also delivered a socialization of National Statistics Day, which falls on September 26 with the theme "Quality Statistics for a Golden Indonesia".
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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