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BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Holds Journalist and Stakeholder Workshop

BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Holds Journalist and Stakeholder Workshop

BPS-Statistics Lampung Province Holds Journalist and Stakeholder Workshop

September 24, 2024 | Other Activities

In order to commemorate National Statistics Day (HSN) on September 26, BPS-Statistics Lampung Province held a Journalist & Stakeholder Workshop with the theme "Understanding BPS-Statistics Strategic Indicators". This event aims to share knowledge and discuss with media colleagues regarding statistical literacy, as well as to welcome the 2026 Economic Census.

Head of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, represented by the Head of General Affairs, Agung Erianto Juliandono, opened the Workshop which was attended by various media representatives and stakeholders

In his remarks, Agung expressed his appreciation for the contribution and support from media journalists and stakeholders for the utilization and broadcast of statistical data for quality statistical literacy.

Yasir Wijaya, Head of Public Relations and Protocol of BPS-Statistics Lampung Province, also socialized the 2026 Economic Census as the first step towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

The event was closed with awards given to the media and stakeholders who played an active role in statistical literacy.

“Quality Statistics for a Golden Indonesia”

Let’s support the 2026 Economic Census together for a better Indonesia!
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