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BPS-Statistics Attends Meeting to Determine Targets and Locus of SDGs Project Implementation

BPS-Statistics Attends Meeting to Determine Targets and Locus of SDGs Project Implementation

BPS-Statistics Attends Meeting to Determine Targets and Locus of SDGs Project Implementation

December 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Head of BPS-Statistics of Lampung Province, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, represented by Young Expert Statisticians, Yasir Wijaya and Radika Trianda, attended an important meeting at the Bappeda of Lampung Province on Monday, (23/12).

This meeting was related to the discussion of the Proposal for SDGs SSTC Phase II (Project Implementation by Bandar Lampung University) with the theme "Good Access to Urban Housing and Basic Services".

In the meeting, various aspects related to access to urban housing and basic services were discussed with the Bappeda of Lampung Province. Yasir conveyed the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration between BPS, Bappeda and related OPDs to achieve the desired goals in this proposal. "Cooperation with various regional apparatuses and vertical agencies is crucial to determine the right targets and locations," said Yasir.

The OPDs present were representatives from the Housing, Residential Areas and Public Works Service, Social Service, Health Service, Environmental Service, SDGs Center UBL and NGO GIZ.

The next step of this meeting is the determination of targets and locations that will be discussed further with regional apparatus and related agencies. This proposal is expected to have a positive impact in increasing access to housing and basic services for urban communities in Lampung Province.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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